About Me

Colleen Gillis has been recruiting many years, working with national corporate organizations as well as small independent operations. Her expertise on the hiring climate in Canada, best candidate pratices, and employment standards have been a valuable resorce for candidates searching for the next step in their career.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I've Got Attitude!

We all know how tough the economy is currently, but it's toughest on skilled hospitality professionals that have been looking for work for an extended time. So now more than ever, your attitude is so important in an industry where it plays such a major factor any day.

How much does having the right attitude affect your career development, getting a job, or fitting in with the company culture? A positive attitude is the cause of a successful job search, not the result, esecially in this industry where quality of people interaction is paramount.

If you're looking for work, it's just common sense that the more negative you are about your own abilities, your job prospects, the companies you apply to work for, and life in general, the less likely you are to land a job. Employers want people who believe in themselves and their skills, who want to work, who want to work for them, and who generally have a positive attitude.

While maintaining a positive attitude is vital to a successful job search, the sluggish economy will make it discouraging. It may seem impossible to revive that positive energy level, but there are many things you can do to bring your rosy outlook back to life and keep it in good shape.

Number one is to feel good about yourself and yur skills and work achievements. This is the key to a positive attitude, and all the points that follow are ways of helping you feel good about yourself.

Speak positively about yourself and your abilities. You know the story about the little engine that could, right? What you believe about yourself is the foundation of all your future actions.

Take charge! Accept responsibility for your life and your job search. It is not up to your mother, father, girlfriend or boyfriend, or your aunt Zelda in Jasper to find you a job. Although your network can be a definite help, YOU are responsible for the success of your job search.

Don't focus on regrets or perceived mistakes. Instead of blaming yourself and constantly rehashing past mistakes, take the opportunity to learn from the past. Build on past experiences to improve yourself and your abilities. You should remind yourself that the current hospitality market is very much an employees one and many are putting the bottom line first and avoiding hiring until it's absolutely necessary - it's not personal and likely not a commentary about your skills.

Stop worrying about the future. While you don't want to live in the past, you also don't want to live in the future. Worrying is a habit, and you can change the habit if you really try. If you find yourself stuck in a negativity rut, shovel yourself out by focusing on your hopes and dreams rather than on your fears. Hiring managers have many ways of knowing when a candidate does not bring a positive attitude to the interview.

Flatter yourself. The job search is no time to be humble. Read every complimentary thing about yourself that you can find. Letters of praise, past awards, performance appraisals, or any other positive recognitions you have are good ways to remind yourself of your worth and talents. Paste these things on a wall or a bulletin board in your work area to boost your spirits whenever you feel a little down.

Start each day on a positive, upbeat note. The start of your day will set the tempo for everything that follows. Do something every morning that will put you in a good mood, whether that is taking a walk, listening to some upbeat music, doing a crossword, or just relaxing with a good cup of coffee.

Get physical! You've heard the saying, "healthy body, healthy mind." Keeping yourself healthy and in good physical shape will boost your energy level and make it easier to maintain a positive mental attitude.

Develop a plan each day of job hunting goals to accomplish. Sticking to your schedule as closely as possible will provide focus to your job search. Might I suggest talking to your friendly hosptiality recruiter to start?

Keep up appearances. While nobody expects you to wear a suit and tie every day on your job search, try not to dress too casually.

Get networking on-line and locally and join an association to keep up to date on developments and trends. It will help you develop your network and put you in contact with people that have interests similar to yours and to know others are in a similar situation. A positive attitude is contagious so surround yourself with supportive, positive people.

Finally, be sure to reward yourself for your job hunting efforts and do something enjoyable and relaxing that will take your mind off job hunting. Remember that nothing ever stays the same and the hospitality market in the West has had many ups and downs that we have come through successfully and your positive attitude will ensure just that.

1 comment:

  1. So simple, but yet so true. I can't count the amount of applicants I've interviewed over the last 3 months who are disgruntled at there current or past employers. They were all passed over.
