About Me

Colleen Gillis has been recruiting many years, working with national corporate organizations as well as small independent operations. Her expertise on the hiring climate in Canada, best candidate pratices, and employment standards have been a valuable resorce for candidates searching for the next step in their career.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fast Casual is NOT Fast Food

In proper preparation for the Fast Casual Executive Summit coming up in Chicago this month, fastcasual.com has put together a list of the top 10 fast casual restaurants in the US based on 2010 sales.

But first, let's be clear about how they define fast casual: the price is approximately 15.00 or less per cheque AND the decor is modern and upscale AND the service does not include wait staff AND, finally, the food is fresh and made to order. That narrows down the list but I think to be clearer, it needs to be stated that fast casual promises a higher quality food and atmosphere than fast food. Fast casual is NOT our traditional idea of fast food.

A couple of the Top 10 are already familiar here in Canada: Five Guys and Chipotle Miexcan Grill. What's noteworthy is that of the Top 10, three are Mexican restaurants. Surely demographics have an impact on this stat and therefore it makes me wonder would Mexican fare be so prominant in a Canadian Top 10 Fast Casual? Would Asian food? Chipotle, by the way, was one of the first fast casual restaurants on the scene and McDonald's had a majority share in Chipotle until 2006!

If you're wondering if fast casual is simply a fad that will pass, or a quick spash in the pan (pun intended), think again. Fast casual has had a huge impact on the food industry and growing. It appeals to people's interest for a more healthy option, it's quick for a busier and busier lives, and it offers varied food choices. The numbers speak for themselves as shown in the chart below.

It's little wonder that fast food operations are looking to upscale their decors and offer healthier options or that casual dining operations are looking to move towards "smaller footprint" stores with a smaller menu. It will be interesting to see what our restaurant scene looks like even as little as two years from now with the big impact of fast casual operations.

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